Most homeowners take pride in the appearance of their lawn, putting in long hours in the spring and summer to ensure it looks its best. But mowing, watering and fertilizing can only go so far. After a few years, your grass will start to reproduce at a slower rate, thinning your lawn out and allowing weeds to grow.

This, however, does not mean you have to start over with an entirely new lawn. You can reseed your lawn using an overseeder or slice seeder. Here are some benefits:
It’s Less Expensive
Starting over with an entirely new lawn will take up a lot of your time and cost a lot of money. If you just have a few patches that you’re looking to clean up or if you’re just looking for a healthier lawn appearance, overseeding is the wise choice. You can rent the necessary equipment for a reasonable price.
It Will Improve Your Lawn’s Appearance
If you notice that your lawn doesn’t appear as robust as it once did or if it requires more water and fertilizer to grow at the same rate, you should consider overseeding. This will introduce new grass plants to your lawn to make up for the slowing reproduction rate of the existing grass plants. New grass species may also be more resistant to droughts and insects.
Slice Seeding vs. Overseeding
Once you’ve made the decision to reseed your lawn, you must choose how to do so. The more traditional overseeding machine will spread seed over the top of your lawn. A slice seeder uses a cylindrical blade to cut into your lawn and deposits seeds inside. The latter tends to be more effective as the seeds are placed directly into the soil, but it’s also more expensive.
If your lawn requires overseeding or slice seeding, Lawrence Tool Rental is here to help. We have dozens of different types of landscaping and lawn-related pieces of equipment available to rent. Call 317-826-2654 to learn more today.
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